The Health Management Academy AWS Technical Fellows Program

Developing the Next Generation Health System Leaders

The Academy AWS Technology Fellows Program empowers leading health system technology leaders across the United States. They will acquire the leadership skills, business acumen, technical capabilities, and healthcare knowledge needed to lead their organizations into the future.

In collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the program prepares technology leaders in the following roles to lead their organizations into the future with the know-how to drive innovation, speed operations, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes:

  • Track 1: Rising CIOs, CTOs

  • Track 2: Rising CMIOs, CNIOs, & other clinical technology executives

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Participant Benefits

  • Build a nationwide network of peers

  • Collaborate on strategic challenges and opportunities

  • Enhance healthcare, leadership, technical and business competencies

  • Engage with a national group of current and former C-suite executives

Organizational Benefits

  • Tangible commitment to high-potential leaders for retention strategy and succession planning

  • Develop mentors and build leadership depth within the organization

  • Equip future executives with the national perspective and knowledge to lead large, integrated health systems

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Apply for the Program

More information is available in this brochure - or reach out directly using the form

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Rich Curriculum

Rich Curriculum

Developed in coordination with The Health Management Academy membership, Fellows experience interactive, multidisciplinary, and collaborative learning opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding to current health system responsibilities.

AWS Expertise

AWS Expertise

Fellows will have access to AWS leadership principles and experts to enhance their core learnings. This enhanced curriculum will give Fellows the option to further develop technology insights critical to the future of healthcare technology.

Strategic Technology Action Project

Strategic Technology Action Project

During the two-year program, each Fellow works with their health system mentor and CEO to identify and lead a system-level change management strategic technology action project. Projects will contribute to the health system’s strategic aims.