Research and Advisory

Mobilizing Research to Advance Your Strategy

Through our unique partnership and deep connections with the health system executives, we create and deliver custom research that provides proprietary insights and co-branded thought leadership. Our expertise runs deep in health system decision making, strategy, and operations. And our expert researchers and content developers create insights that help industry innovators accelerate their strategies and effectively position their value within the health system market.

Let's Connect

Why The Health Management Academy?

  • Gain credibility: across the critical health system provider market

  • Get candid and nuanced market feedback: on your priorities, strategic direction, and messaging

  • Align your brand: with high-profile priorities, perspectives, and learnings for optimized executive interactions

Tackling Your Jobs-to-be-Done

Test Product/Market Fit

Test Product/Market Fit

What unmet needs in the health system market can be fulfilled by current or conceptual product offerings?

Segment the Market

Segment the Market

Which health system segments would benefit most from your expertise, and which are receptive to partnership?

Understand the Customer Journey

Understand the Customer Journey

What decision-making processes guide health system strategies and investments, and how do executive stakeholder prefer to engage with industry partners?

Target Product Messaging

Target Product Messaging

How can your organization effectively position its services (pre-or post-launch) to address the evolving needs of the LHS market?

Enhance Brand Reputation

Enhance Brand Reputation

Where are the opportunities to position your brand as a trusted advisor by creating thought leadership that addresses health system challenges?

Ready to connect with the Research & Advisory team?